West LA DevOps Presents: Geodesic – Cloud Automation Shell (Video & Slides)

Erik OstermanSlidesLeave a Comment

🚀 Geodesic is a cloud automation shell. It's the easy way to automate everything. Think of it as the superset of all other tools including (terraform, terragrunt, chamber, aws-vault, aws-okta, kops, gomplate, helm, helmfile, aws cli, variant, etc) that we use to automate workflows. It's a bit like a swiss army knife for creating and building consistent platforms to be shared across team environments. It easily versions staging/production/dev environments in a repeatable manner that can be followed by any team member with only a single dependency: docker. Because of this, it works with Mac OSX, Linux, and Windows 10. Learn how you can use the geodesic shell to improve your DevOps workflows! These are the slides from the live demo at the West Los Angeles DevOps Meetup.

Erik Osterman is the founder of Cloud Posse, a DevOps professional services company that specializes in cloud migrations and release engineering. Previously he was the Director of Cloud Architecture, for CBS Interactive where he led cloud strategy across the organization.


GitOps with Terraform on Codefresh (Webinar Video & Slides)

Erik OstermanSlides2 Comments

🚀 Infrastructure as code, pipelines as code, and now we even have code as code! =P In this talk, we show you how we build and deploy applications with Terraform using GitOps with Codefresh. Cloud Posse is a power user of Terraform and have written over 140 Terraform modules. We’ll share how we handle automation with security while making the process easy for engineers.

Erik Osterman is the founder of Cloud Posse, a DevOps professional services company that specializes in cloud migrations and release engineering. Previously he was the Director of Cloud Architecture, for CBS Interactive where he led cloud strategy across the organization.


Geodesic Cloud Automation Shell (Slides)

Erik OstermanSlidesLeave a Comment

🚀 Geodesic is a cloud automation shell. It’s the superset of all other tools including (terraform, terragrunt, chamber, aws-vault, aws-okta, kops, gomplate, helm, helmfile, aws cli, variant, etc) that we use to automate workflows. You can think of it like a swiss army knife for creating and building consistent platforms to be shared across team environments. It easily versions staging/production/dev environments in a repeatable manner that can be followed by any team member with only a single dependency: docker. Because of this, it works with Mac OSX, Linux, and Windows 10. Learn how you can use the geodesic shell to improve your DevOps workflows! These are the slides from the live demo at the Los Angeles Kubernetes Meetup.

Erik Osterman is the founder of Cloud Posse, a DevOps professional services company that specializes in cloud migrations and release engineering. Previously he was the Director of Cloud Architecture, for CBS Interactive where he led cloud strategy across the organization.


Scale 17x: Intro to GitOps

Erik OstermanSlidesLeave a Comment

We presented this year at Scale 17x the value of GitOps for an organization. The goal for operations should be absolute automation. With “Infrastructure as Code” we're able to employ all the best practices of traditional software development to infrastructure and operations- including code reviews and continuous delivery of changes. GitOps is the concept of using Git as the system of record for the desired state of configurations. The ultimate goal is to achieve repeatable processes to apply changes, in the same way, every time. Predictable rollouts let us know ahead of time what’s going to happen (e.g. before you merge). Auditable histories let us see what was done and by whom. Lastly, the process should be accessible to anyone, not just a few technically elite members of the team.

Erik Osterman is the founder of Cloud Posse, a DevOps professional services company that specializes in cloud migrations and release engineering. Previously he was the Director of Cloud Architecture, for CBS Interactive where he led cloud strategy across the organization.


Unlimited Staging Environments with Kubernetes

Erik OstermanMeetup, Release Engineering & CI/CDLeave a Comment

Last week we had the pleasure of listening to David Huie present at the DevOps Mastermind at WeWork Promenade. David is an infrastructure engineer at Dollar Shave Club, where he’s helping DSC shave the world using Kubernetes. He presented how they've achieved the Holy Grail of QA automation: running “Unlimited Staging Environments with Kubernetes.”


In modern micro-services architectures, there is a serious need for ad-hoc staging environments since it's often infeasible for developers to run the entire stack on their laptops. At the same time, static staging environments can be difficult to scale as an organization's infrastructure and engineering team grow.


To counter this effect, Dollar Shave Club created a Kubernetes-based system to enable an unlimited number of environments, bounded only by the capacity of the underlying Kubernetes cluster running some 38 nodes! At its core, is an Open Source project called Furan which rapidly builds Docker containers in Docker (DnD). Using their CI/CD system and an in-house tool called Amino, they are then able to automatically spawn environments composed of many independent projects, where each project is pegged to a specific version (e.g. branch or tag).


The company is able to iterate much faster which has sped up application delivery at DSC.

About the Speaker

Prior to joining Dollar Shave Club, David’s worked at Splice, NationBuilder, and Yelp. David has a degree in Computer Science from Harvey Mudd College.

Follow David on Twitter: https://twitter.com/davidhuie


Slides from the presentation are below. We'll be posting video & transcripts shortly.

Unlimited Staging Environments with Kubernetes

Join us at the next Santa Monica DevOps Mastermind Meetup!

Register here: https://www.meetup.com/DevOpsMastermind/

Rock Solid WordPress

Erik OstermanCloud Architecture & PlatformsLeave a Comment

Learn how Cloud Posse recently architected and implemented WordPress for massive scale on Amazon EC2. We'll show you exactly the tools that we used and our recipe to both secure and power WordPress setups on AWS using Elastic Beanstalk, EFS, CodePipeline, Memcached, Aurora and Varnish.