Codefresh Variable Substitution

JeremyRelease Engineering & CI/CDLeave a Comment

It’s important to understand the behavior of variables like ${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}} in Codefresh pipelines and how it interacts with shell commands.

When you use ${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}} in a YAML file, Codefresh handles it like this:

  • If the variable is set, the whole thing is replaced with the value of the variable
  • If the variable is not set, it is left unchanged.

When you execute a command in a freestyle step, that command is passed to bash. So when CF_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER is set to something like 34:


becomes: cf_export IMAGE_TAG=pr-34, but when the variable is not set, the command is:
which of course is bad bash variable interpolation syntax.

We (Cloud Posse) have created a tool to help with this called require_vars we ship in geodesic. If your pipeline should not run if certain variables are not supplied, you can create an initial step like this:

    title: "Validate"
    description: "Ensure build parameters are present"
    stage: Prepare
    image: cloudposse/geodesic:0.116.0
    entry_point: /etc/codefresh/require_vars
      - |-
        ${{GITHUB_REPO_STATUS_TOKEN}} Personal Access Token used to give scripts
        permission to update the "status check" status on GitHub pull requests
      - ${{SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL}} Secret URL used by scripts to send updates to a Slack channel
      - |-
        ${{AWS_DOCKER_REPO_HOST}} The host hame portion of the ECR Docker repo to use.
        Typically something like
      - |-
        ${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}} The PR number from GitHub.
        The PR number is only set if this build was triggered in relation to a PR.
        Requiring this to be present means requiring this pipeline to only work with PRs.

The PR number is only set if this build was triggered with a PR.
Requiring this to be present means requiring this pipeline to only work with PRs.

This step will verify the referenced variables are set and output the text as an error if they are not, causing the build to fail at that step. We recommend using it whenever a pipeline would not function properly with missing variables.

The other thing is that if a variable is optional, you test whether it is set or not by checking to see if the variable's value contains the variable's name. So, if a step should only run if there is not a PR number assigned, you can add a test like this:

      isNotPR: 'includes("${{CF_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}}", "CF_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER") == true'

(It may seem, and really should be, redundant to have == true but it seems to be required.)

It is kind of weird and confusing but makes sense once you get the hang of it. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have further questions.

Jenkins Pros & Cons (2020)

Erik OstermanRelease Engineering & CI/CDLeave a Comment

I spent some time this weekend getting caught up on the state of Jenkins in 2020. This post will focus on the pros and cons of Jenkins (not Jenkins X – which is a complete rewrite). My objective was to set up Jenkins following “Infrastructure as Code” best practices on Kubernetes using Helm. As part of this, I wanted to see a modern & clean UI throughout and create a positive developer experience. Below is more or less a brain dump of this experiment.


  • Jenkins has a lot of redundant plugins. Knowing which one to use takes some experimentation and failed attempts. The most common example cited is “docker.” Personally, I don't mind the hunt – that's part of the fun.
  • Jenkins has many plugins that seem no longer maintained. It's important to make sure whatever plugins you chose are still receiving regular updates (as in something pushed within the last ~12 months).
  • Not all plugins are compatible with Declarative Pipelines. IMO using Declarative Pipelines is the current gold standard for Jenkins. Raw imperative groovy pipelines are notoriously complicated and unmanageable.
  • No less than a few dozen plugins are required to “modernize” Jenkins. The more plugins, the greater the chance of problems during upgrades. This can be somewhat mitigated by using command-line-driven tools run inside containers instead of installing some of the more exotic plugins (credit: Steve Boardwell).
  • There's no (maintained) YAML interface for Jenkins Pipelines (e.g. Jenkinsfile.yaml). Most modern CI/CD platforms today have adopted YAML for pipeline configuration. In fact, Jenkins X has also moved to YAML. The closest thing I could find was an alpha-grade prototype with no commits in 18 months.
  • The Kubernetes Plugin works well but complicates Docker Builds. Running the Jenkins Slaves on Kubernetes and then building containers requires some trickery. There are a few options, but the easiest one is to modify the PodTemplate to bind-mount /var/run/docker.sock. This is not a best-practice, however, because it exposes the host-OS to bad actors. Basically, if you have access to the docker socket, you can do anything you want on the host OS. The alternatives like running “PodMan”, “Buildah”, “Kaniko”, “Makisu”, or “Docker BuildKit” on Jenkins have virtually zero documentation, so I didn't try it.
  • The PodTemplate approach is problematic in a modern CI/CD environment. Basically, with a PodTemplate you have to define before the Jenkins slave starts the types of containers you're going to need as part of your pipeline. For example, you define one PodTemplate with docker, golang and terraform. When the Jenkins slave starts up, a Kubernetes Pod will be launched with 3 contains (docker, golang and terraform). One nice thing is that all those containers will be able to share a filesystem and talk over localhost since they are in the same Pod. Also, since it's a Pod, Kubernetes will be able to properly schedule where that Pod should start, and if you have autoscaling configured, new nodes will be spun up on-demand. The problem with this, however, is subtle. What if you want a 4th container to run that is a product of the “docker” container and share the same filesystem? there's no really easy way to do that. These days, we will frequently build a docker container in one step, then run that container and execute some tests in the next step. I'm sure this can be achieved, but nowhere near as easily as with codefresh.
  • It's still not practical today to run “multi-master” Jenkins for High Availability without using Jenkins Enterprise. That said, I think it's moot when operating Jenkins on Kubernetes with Helm. Kubernetes is constantly monitoring the Jenkins process and will restart it if unhealthy (and I tested this inadvertently!). Also, when using Helm if the rollout fails health checks, the previous generation will stay online allowing the bugs to be fixed.
  • Docker layer caching is non-trivial if running with Ephemeral Jenkins Slaves under kubernetes. If you have a large pool of nodes, chances are that every build will hit a new node, thus not taking advantage of layer caching. Alternatively, if using the “Docker in Docker” (dnd) build-strategy every build will necessarily pull down all the layers. This will both add considerably to transit costs and build times as docker images are easily 1G these days.
  • There's lots of stale/out-of-date documentation for Jenkins. I frequently stumbled on how to implement something that seemed pretty basic. Anyways, this is true of any mature ecosystem that has a tremendous amount of innovation, lots of open sources, and been around for 20 years.
  • The “yaml” escape hatch for defining pod specs is sinfully ugly. In fact, I think it's a horrible precedent that will turn people off from Jenkins. It's part of what gives it a bad wrap. The rest of the Jenkinsfile DSL is rather clean and readable, but embedding raw YAML into my declarative pipelines is not a practice I would encourage for any team. To be fair,  some of the ugliness could be eliminated by using readFile or readTrusted steps (credit: Steve Boardwell), but again it’s not that simple.


I would like to end this on a positive note. All in all, I was very pleasantly surprised by how far Jenkins has come in the past few years since we last evaluated it.

  • Helm chart makes it trivial to deploy Jenkins in a “GitOps” friendly way
  • Blue Ocean + Material Theme for Jenkins makes it look like any other modern CI/CD system
  • Rich ecosystem of Plugins enables the ultimate level customization, much more than any SaaS
  • Overall simple architecture to deploy (when compared to “modern” CI/CD systems). No need to run tons of backing services.
  • Easily extract metrics from your build system into a platform like Prometheus. Centralize your monitoring of things running inside of CI/CD infrastructure. This is very difficult (or not even possible) to do with many SaaS offerings.
  • Achieve greater economies of scale by leveraging your existing infrastructure to build your projects.  If you run Jenkins on Kubernetes, you immediately get all the other benefits. Spin up node pools powered by “ Ocean” and get cheap compute capacity with preemptible “spot” instances. If you're running Prometheus with Grafana, you can leverage that to monitor all your build infrastructure.
  • Integrate with Single Signon without paying the SSO tax levied by enterprise software.
  • Arguably the Jenkinsfile Declarative Pipelines DSL is very readable, in fact, it looks a lot like HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language). To some, this will be a “Con” – especially if YAML is a requirement.
  • Jenkins “Configuration as Code” plugin supports nearly everything you'd need to run Jenkins itself in a “GitOps” compliant manner. And if it doesn’t there is always the configuration-as-code-groovy plugin which allows you to run arbitrary Groovy scripts for the bits you need (credit: Steve Boardwell).
  • Jenkins can be easily deployed for multiple teams. This is an easy way to mitigate one of the common complaints that Jenkins is unstable because lots of different teams have their hands in the cookie jar.
  • Jenkins can be used much like the modern CI/CD forms that use container steps rather than complicated groovy scripts. This is to say, yes, teams can do bad things with Jenkins but with the right “best practices” your pipelines should be about as manageable as any developed with CircleCI or Codefresh. Stick to using container steps to reduce the complexity in the pipelines themselves.
  • Jenkins Shared Libraries are also pretty awesome (and also one of the most polarizing features). What I like about the libraries is the ability for teams to define “Pipelines as Interfaces”. That is, applications or services in your organization should almost always be deployed in the same way. Using versioned libraries of pipelines helps to achieve this without necessarily introducing instability.
  • Just like with GitHub Actions, with Jenkins, it's possible to “auto-discover” new repositories and pipelines. This is sweet because it eliminates all the ClickOps associated with most other CI/CD systems including CircleCI, TravisCI, and Codefresh. I really like it when I can just create a new repository, stick in a Jenkinsfile, and it “just works”.
  • Jenkins supports what seems like an unlimited number of credential backends. This is a big drawback with most SaaS-based CI/CD platforms. With the Jenkins credential backends, it's possible to “plug and play” things like “AWS SSM Parameter Store”, “AWS Secrets Manager” or HashiCorp Vault. I like this more than trusting some smaller third-party to securely handle my AWS credentials!
  • Jenkins PodTemplates supports annotations, which means we can create specially crafted templates that will automatically assume AWS roles. This is rad because we don't even need to hardcode any AWS credentials as part of our CI/CD pipelines. For GitOps, this is a holy grail.
  • Jenkins is 100% Free and Open Source. You can upgrade and get commercial support from Cloud Bees which also includes a “tried and tested” version of Jenkins (albeit more limited in the selection of plugins).

To conclude, Jenkins is still one of the most powerful Swiss Army knifes to get the job done. I feel like with Jenkins anything is possible, albeit sometimes with more effort and 3 dozen plugins. As systems integrators, we're constantly faced with yet-unknown requirements that pop-up at the last minute. Adopting tools that provide “escape hatches” provide a kind of “peace of mind” knowing we can solve any problem.

Parts of it feel dated like the GUI Configurations, but that is mitigated by Configuration as Code and GitOps. I wish some things like building and running Docker containers inside of pipelines on Kubernetes was easier. Let's face it. Jenkins is not the cool kid on the block anymore and there are many great tools out there. But the truth is few will stand the test of time the way Jenkins has in the Open Source and Enterprise space.

Must-Have Plugins

  • kubernetes (we tested 1.21.2) is what enables Jenkins Slaves to be spun upon demand. It comes preconfigured when using the official Jenkins helm chart.
  • workflow-job (we tested 2.36)
  • credentials-binding (we tested 1.20)
  • git (we tested 4.0.0)
  • workflow-multibranch (we tested 2.21) is essential for keeping Jenkinsfiles in your repos. The multi-branch pipeline detects branches, tags, etc, from within a configured repository, so Jenkins works more like Circle, Codefresh or Travis.
  • github-branch-source (we tested 2.5.8) – once configured will scan your GitHub organizations for new repositories and automatically pick up new pipelines. I really wish more CI/CD platforms had this level of autoconfiguration.
  • workflow-aggregator (we tested 2.6)
  • configuration-as-code (we tested 1.35) allows nearly the entire Jenkins configuration to be defined as code
  • greenballs (we tested 1.15) because I've always green is the color of success =P
  • blueocean (we tested 1.21.0) gives Jenkins a modern look. It clearly depicts stages, progress, and most other systems we've seen like CircleCI, Travis or Codefresh.
  • pipeline-input-step(we tested 2.11)
  • simple-theme-plugin (we tested 0.5.1) allows all CSS to be extended. Combined with the “material” theme for Jenkins you get a complete facelift.
  • ansicolor (we tested 0.6.2) – because many tools these days have ANSI output like Terraform or NPM. It's easy to disable the color output, but as a developer, I like the colors as it helps me quickly parse the screen output.
  • slack (we tested 2.35)
  • saml (we tested 1.1.5)
  • timestamper (we tested 1.10) – because with long-running steps, it's helpful to know how much time elapsed between lines of output

Pro Tips

  • Add the following nginx-ingress annotation to make Blue Ocean the default” /blue/organizations/jenkins/pipelines
  • Use this Material Theme for Jenkins with the simple-theme-plugin to get a beautiful-looking Jenkins
  • Hide the [Pipeline] output with some simple CSS and the simple-theme-plugin:

    .pipeline-new-node {
    display: none;


When researching this post and my “Proof of Concept”, I referenced some links and articles.

Effortless Helm Chart Deployments (Video & Slides)

adminDevOps, Meetup, Release Engineering & CI/CDLeave a Comment

Learn how to deploy complex service-oriented architectures easily using Helmfiles. Forget umbrella charts and manual helm deployments. Helmfile is the missing piece of the puzzle. Helmfiles are the declarative way to deploy Helm charts in a 12-factor compatible way. They're great for deploying all your kubernetes services and even for Codefresh continuous delivery to Kubernetes. We'll show you exactly how we do it with a live demo, including public repos for all our helmfiles.

Unlimited Staging Environments

adminDevOps, Release Engineering & CI/CD, SlidesLeave a Comment

How to run complete, disposable apps on Kubernetes for Staging and Development

What if you could rapidly spin up new environments in a matter of minutes entirely from scratch, triggered simply by the push of a button or automatically for every Pull Request or Branch. Would that be cool?

That’s what we thought too! Companies running complex microservices architectures need a better way to do QA, prototype new features & discuss changes. We want to show that there’s a simpler way to collaborate and it’s available today if you’re running Kubernetes.

Tune in to learn how you can assemble 100% Open Source components with a CodeFresh CI/CD Pipeline to deploy your full stack for any branch and expose it on a unique URL that you can share. Not only that, we ensure that it’s fully integrated with CI/CD so console expertise is not required to push updates. Empower designers and front-end developers to push code freely. Hand it over to your sales team so they can demo upcoming features for customers! The possibilities are unlimited. =)


Unlimited Staging Environments with Kubernetes

Erik OstermanMeetup, Release Engineering & CI/CDLeave a Comment

Last week we had the pleasure of listening to David Huie present at the DevOps Mastermind at WeWork Promenade. David is an infrastructure engineer at Dollar Shave Club, where he’s helping DSC shave the world using Kubernetes. He presented how they've achieved the Holy Grail of QA automation: running “Unlimited Staging Environments with Kubernetes.”


In modern micro-services architectures, there is a serious need for ad-hoc staging environments since it's often infeasible for developers to run the entire stack on their laptops. At the same time, static staging environments can be difficult to scale as an organization's infrastructure and engineering team grow.


To counter this effect, Dollar Shave Club created a Kubernetes-based system to enable an unlimited number of environments, bounded only by the capacity of the underlying Kubernetes cluster running some 38 nodes! At its core, is an Open Source project called Furan which rapidly builds Docker containers in Docker (DnD). Using their CI/CD system and an in-house tool called Amino, they are then able to automatically spawn environments composed of many independent projects, where each project is pegged to a specific version (e.g. branch or tag).


The company is able to iterate much faster which has sped up application delivery at DSC.

About the Speaker

Prior to joining Dollar Shave Club, David’s worked at Splice, NationBuilder, and Yelp. David has a degree in Computer Science from Harvey Mudd College.

Follow David on Twitter:


Slides from the presentation are below. We'll be posting video & transcripts shortly.

Unlimited Staging Environments with Kubernetes

Join us at the next Santa Monica DevOps Mastermind Meetup!

Register here:

Tips on Writing Go Microservices for Kubernetes

Erik OstermanCloud Architecture & Platforms, Release Engineering & CI/CDLeave a Comment

Kelsey Hightower, a Google Developer Advocate and Google Cloud Platform evangelist, recently gave a very helpful screencast demonstrating some of the tips & tricks he uses when developing Go microservices for Kubernetes & docker. Among other things, he recommends being very verbose during the initialization of your app by outputting environment variables and port bindings. He also raises the important distinction between readiness probes and liveness probes and when to use them. Lastly, in the Q&A he explains why it's advantageous to use resource files instead of editing live configurations because the former fits better in to a pull-request workflow that many companies already use as part of the CI/CD pipeline.