Here are some references to Cloud Posse around the web.
- Opinion: A case for using Terraform open-source modules by David Mattia
- “How to Set Up a Kubernetes Clusters with Helmfile” by Constantin Muraru and Jody Arthur (from Adobe Tech)
- “Deploying a cloud-native application on AWS using Terraform” by Sanket Bengali
- “Intro to Kops: Kubernetes Operations and How to Get Started Managing Kubernetes in Production” by Brian Mathews
- “Deploying Helm Charts w. Terraform” Joaquín Menchaca
- “Visualize AWS Cloudtraillogs with ELK stack and Kinesis.” by Illia Sh
- “Why I use Terraform for Templating Kubernetes” by Christopher Stobie
- “Why I no longer use Terraform for Templating Kubernetes” by Christopher Stobie
- “Bestest Practices for Terraform!!!” by Sunil Kumar Mohanty
- “Deploying applications to ElasticBeanstalk with Terraform” by Jack Mahoney
- “Deploying a Windows 2016 server AMI on AWS with Packer and Terraform. Part 2” by Bruce Dominguez
- “Some Cool Kubernetes Tools” by Zachary Loeber
- “Terraform Secrets in AWS Secrets Manager” by Florian Baumann
- “DeepCell 2.0: Automated cloud deployment of deep learning models for large-scale cellular image analysis”
by Dylan Bannon, Erick Moen, Enrico Borba, Andrew Ho, Isabella Camplisson, Brian Chang, Erik Osterman, William Graf, David Van Valen - “Dynamic allocation of computational resources for deep learning-enabled cellular image analysis with Kubernetes” by Dylan Bannon, Erick Moen, Morgan Schwartz, Enrico Borba, Sunny Cui, Kevin Huang, Isabella Camplisson, Nora Koe, Daniel Kyme, Takamasa Kudo, Brian Chang, Edward Pao, Erik Osterman, William Graf, David Van Valen
- “Adventures in the Terraform DSL, Part II: Iteration in Terraform 0.11 and earlier”
by Alex Harvey
- “Practice Terraform AWS System Design and Best Practices” By Tomoki Nomura (Japanese Language)