Job Board
We've launched our jobs site to keep track of new opportunities posted by companies in our community. Have a job you want to post? Ping @erik on slack.
Check it out here: 👉
“Office Hours” Pod Cast
We've launched a podcast, which is a syndicated version of our weekly “Office Hours”. Tune in on the train or in the car!
Subscribe here: 👉
Slack Archive Search
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Slack Archive Search
We've added search functionality to our slack archives with Algolia. Now you can easily find solutions to common bugs or problems encountered by our community.
Kubernetes News
A lot of interesting links were shared related to the Kubernetes ecosystem. Here are some that stood out!
A Practical Guide to Setting Kubernetes Requests and Limits
Setting Kubernetes requests and limits effectively has a major impact on application performance, the stability of applications and the cluster, as well as cost. And yet working with many teams over the past year has shown us that determining the right values for these parameters is hard or worse yet teams don't even set them! Kubecost created this short guide to help teams more accurately set Kubernetes requests and limits for their applications.
Excellent Resource to Learn Kubernetes —
If you want to learn more about Kubernetes, this is a phenomenal resource for learning the basics. For example, here's how to increase kubectl productivity when looking up resources, customizing the columns in the output format, switching between clusters and namespaces with ease, using auto-generated aliases, and extending kubectl with plugins!
CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape —
There's an overwhelming number of cloud native technologies and open source tools. How do they all fit in? Here's a site that let's you filter and sort by GitHub stars, funding, commits, contributors, hq location, and tweets.
Terraform News
We've been hard at work upgrading all of our Terraform Modules to support Terraform 0.12 (HCL2). As part of this, we've added automated tests using a combination of bats and terratest. We publish all of our hundreds of Terraform modules in the official HashiCorp registry.
terraform-aws-eks-fargate-profile —
Terraform module to provision an EKS Fargate Profile to spin up a node group that run pods entirely on Fargate
terraform-aws-eks-node-group —
Terraform module to provision a fully managed AWS EKS Node Group using terraform. Plus it works with all of our other EKS node pool modules so it's possible to run multiple different types of node pools in the same EKS cluster.
terraform-aws-eks-cluster —
We've updated our Terraform modules for provisioning an EKS cluster to support Terraform 0.12. As part of this, we've added terratest to run automated infrastructure tests. Check it out here!
Want more news? Check out our Slack archives to learn what our community is all about.
SpotOn Senior DevOps Engineer —
SpotOn is a cutting-edge software company dedicated to redefining the merchant services industry. SpotOn, is hiring in either Krakow, Poland or Mexico City, MX for a seasoned DevOps engineer. BTW, they use TONS of Cloud Posse Terraform modules and Codefresh! =)
SettleMint Experienced SRE —
SettleMint makes blockchain technology deployment, development and integration practical for the enterprise. Settlement is looking for someone in Belgium for a full on helm, kubernetes, helmfile gig (fulltime) in the Blockchain space.
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Free Weekly “Office Hours” with Cloud Posse
You are invited to our weekly Zoom meetings every Wednesday at 11:30 am PST (GMT-8). Join us to talk shop! This is an informal gathering where you get to ask questions and watch demos.
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