Public “Office Hours” (2021-10-27)

Erik OstermanOffice Hours

Here's the recording from our DevOps “Office Hours” session on 2021-10-27.

We hold public “Office Hours” every Wednesday at 11:30am PST to answer questions on all things DevOps/Terraform/Kubernetes/CICD related.

These “lunch & learn” style sessions are totally free and really just an opportunity to talk shop, ask questions and get answers.

Register here:

Basically, these sessions are an opportunity to get a free weekly consultation with Cloud Posse where you can literally “ask me anything” (AMA). Since we're all engineers, this also helps us better understand the challenges our users have so we can better focus on solving the real problems you have and address the problems/gaps in our tools.

[00:00:00​] Intro
[00:02:07] Datadog Golden signals using Universal Service Monitoring
[00:05:20​] Datadog Dash Conference Announcements
[00:12:21​] Amazon RDS Proxy now supports Amazon RDS for MySQL Version 8.0
[00:12:50] AWS ALB now supports IPv6 targets
[00:13:29] AWS launches SAM accelerate
[00:18:00] Introducing CockroachDB Serverless
[00:22:31​] Any interesting highlights from HashiConf Global?
[00:22:51​] Any interesting announcements from GitHub Universe Conf?
[00:29:48​] Who is going to AWS re:Invent?
[00:31:38​] How do I deploy on-demand environments (say ~5 interdependent services) using GitOps & Terraform together ? @sherif
[00:53:30​] Outro

Public “Office Hours” (2021-10-20)

Erik OstermanOffice Hours

Here's the recording from our DevOps “Office Hours” session on 2021-10-20.

We hold public “Office Hours” every Wednesday at 11:30am PST to answer questions on all things DevOps/Terraform/Kubernetes/CICD related.

These “lunch & learn” style sessions are totally free and really just an opportunity to talk shop, ask questions and get answers.

Register here:

Basically, these sessions are an opportunity to get a free weekly consultation with Cloud Posse where you can literally “ask me anything” (AMA). Since we're all engineers, this also helps us better understand the challenges our users have so we can better focus on solving the real problems you have and address the problems/gaps in our tools.

[00:00:00​] Intro
[00:01:34] Terraform Provider for cascading runs across multiple workspaces
[00:03:46] Plus Addressing in Exchange Online
[00:04:36] Introducing Pulumi Registry
[00:07:57] Docker Registry Failover Operator (fairwinds/saffire)
[00:10:23] Somewhat obscure Terraform Provider for Time
[00:13:30] Rad Cloudflare Kubernetes Operators (draino, kured, problem detector)
[00:16:05] How to orchestrate across layers of the 4-Layers of Infrastructure?
[00:22:33] Does anyone have a demo app framework to recommend?
[00:28:14] What are the next big shifts in TF?
[00:53:55] Outro

Public “Office Hours” (2021-10-13)

Erik OstermanOffice Hours

Here's the recording from our DevOps “Office Hours” session on 2021-10-13.

We hold public “Office Hours” every Wednesday at 11:30am PST to answer questions on all things DevOps/Terraform/Kubernetes/CICD related.

These “lunch & learn” style sessions are totally free and really just an opportunity to talk shop, ask questions and get answers.

Register here:

Basically, these sessions are an opportunity to get a free weekly consultation with Cloud Posse where you can literally “ask me anything” (AMA). Since we're all engineers, this also helps us better understand the challenges our users have so we can better focus on solving the real problems you have and address the problems/gaps in our tools.

[00:00:00​] Intro
[00:01:09​] AWS Backup adds an additional layer for backup protection
[00:01:54] New AZs in US West 1 (Northern California)
[00:03:00​] Rancher Announces Alternative Docker Desktop
[00:04:21​] Atlassian Halp First Impressions
[00:14:26​] Any terraform mechanism that can pre-download binaries for providers that are requiring binaries installed on $PATH
[00:24:00​] How is the command in TF to Apply terraform.tfstate from backend s3 in Jenkinsfile pipeline?
[00:34:18​] With major auth changes to the eks nodegroup module, is the best practice still to split the deployment in two terraforms?
[00:38:28​] How to do SRE?
[01:04:12​] Outro

Public “Office Hours” (2021-10-06)

Erik OstermanOffice Hours

Here's the recording from our DevOps “Office Hours” session on 2021-10-06.

We hold public “Office Hours” every Wednesday at 11:30am PST to answer questions on all things DevOps/Terraform/Kubernetes/CICD related.

These “lunch & learn” style sessions are totally free and really just an opportunity to talk shop, ask questions and get answers.

Register here:

Basically, these sessions are an opportunity to get a free weekly consultation with Cloud Posse where you can literally “ask me anything” (AMA). Since we're all engineers, this also helps us better understand the challenges our users have so we can better focus on solving the real problems you have and address the problems/gaps in our tools.

[00:00:00​] Intro
[00:01:10​] AWS Launched Cloud Control API (with Terraform provider support)
[00:10:58​] Centrally manage alternate contacts for member accounts
[00:12:49​] Cloudflare announced R2 Storage
[00:14:57​] How to Deploy AWS Config Conformance Packs the Hard way
(and the Easy way with Cloud Posse)
[00:17:27​] Another Private Module registry and remote state for Terraform
[00:18:50] GitHub supports reusing workflows
[00:22:55​] AWS CloudWatch – How to setup metrics for each SNS queue @Sahil
[00:25:40​] What to do if running out of IPs in VPCs @Michael Jenkins
[00:32:50​] How to resize a PV in Kubernetes when defined in Terraform
[00:39:18] How can you use Office 365 Authentication with Cognito
[00:42:10​] Troubleshooting an instance launch failure that’s using encrypted AMI
[00:47:08​] Any SRE articles worth reading?
[00:48:30​] What if us-east-1 were down like Facebook this week?
[00:52:47​] Outro

Public “Office Hours” (2021-09-29)

Erik OstermanOffice Hours

Here's the recording from our DevOps “Office Hours” session on 2021-09-29.

We hold public “Office Hours” every Wednesday at 11:30am PST to answer questions on all things DevOps/Terraform/Kubernetes/CICD related.

These “lunch & learn” style sessions are totally free and really just an opportunity to talk shop, ask questions and get answers.

Register here:

Basically, these sessions are an opportunity to get a free weekly consultation with Cloud Posse where you can literally “ask me anything” (AMA). Since we're all engineers, this also helps us better understand the challenges our users have so we can better focus on solving the real problems you have and address the problems/gaps in our tools.

[00:00:00​] Intro
[00:01:11​] Congrats to Cloudsmith on the $15M Series A!
[00:02:03] Atmos rewritten in native Go, lots of new features and more coming
[00:05:20​] 1Password can now randomly generate email addresses for logins
[00:07:00​] AWS Lambda Now Supports Graviton (ARM64) for Cheaper Runtimes
[00:08:23​] Using Terraform replace command (via
[00:13:03] Terraform Lessons Learned (via
[00:23:35​] Application Load Balancer supports direct integration with NLB (EIPs anyone?)
[00:27:30] Rover: Terraform State Visualization Tool
[00:29:16​] Another AWS Open Source Controversy with Official Terraform Modules
[00:41:40​] Regula as a competitor to Terratest
[00:45:47​] Deploying Artifactory to K8s, opinions?
[00:58:44] Outro

Public “Office Hours” (2021-09-22)

Erik OstermanOffice Hours

Here's the recording from our DevOps “Office Hours” session on 2021-09-22.

We hold public “Office Hours” every Wednesday at 11:30am PST to answer questions on all things DevOps/Terraform/Kubernetes/CICD related.

These “lunch & learn” style sessions are totally free and really just an opportunity to talk shop, ask questions and get answers.

Register here:

Basically, these sessions are an opportunity to get a free weekly consultation with Cloud Posse where you can literally “ask me anything” (AMA). Since we're all engineers, this also helps us better understand the challenges our users have so we can better focus on solving the real problems you have and address the problems/gaps in our tools.

[00:00:00​] Intro
[00:01:06] Update on AWS Proton Integration with Hashicorp Terraform
[00:02:28​] Build on AWS for Startups
[00:03:35​] Amazon ECR adds the ability to replicate individual repositories to other regions and accounts
[00:04:55​] Kubernetes 1.22 Adds Support for Swap Space
[00:06:14​] DevTron CD UI for Kubernetes
[00:10:04​] Is there an open-source standard for Jaeger-like remote sampling?
[00:13:05​] Anton’s topics: Testing Terraform
[00:32:15​] Difference between properly testing Terraform changes vs a pipeline that has adequate integration testing?
[00:40:25​] Has anyone used/looked at Dex? Just saw this and was curious about how it works.
[00:41:11​] Are Terraform provisioners useful as post-apply hookpoints?
[00:47:27​] Show and tell ideas
[00:59:40​] Outro