Public “Office Hours” (2019-11-13)

Erik OstermanOffice Hours

1 min read

Here's the recording from our “Office Hours” session on 2019-11-13.

We hold public “Office Hours” every Wednesday at 11:30am PST to answer questions on all things DevOps/Terraform/Kubernetes/CICD related.

These “lunch & learn” style sessions are totally free and really just an opportunity to talk shop, ask questions and get answers.

Register here:

Basically, these sessions are an opportunity to get a free weekly consultation with Cloud Posse where you can literally “ask me anything” (AMA). Since we're all engineers, this also helps us better understand the challenges our users have so we can better focus on solving the real problems you have and address the problems/gaps in our tools.

Machine Generated Transcript

Then with that, we will kick this off today is the 13th of November, we're doing office hours here for the sweet ops.

Unlike other times we actually have an agenda some talking points.

We don't have to cover all of these things today.

But if there is these are just to keep the conversation flowing if these things stand out Obviously, the number one priority here is for us to answer your questions whatever those may be.

But here are some things that I just wanted to talk about.

So the first thing I'll just cover is about some suite ops.

If you're in our slack teamyou'll have seen some activity there.

Basically what I did was I renamed the general channel to announcements because on a free team that is the only channel, you can restrict posting on.

And it's only channel.

You cannot leave.

And then I created a new general channel invited everyone there.

So that's where we can now have conversations related to everything else about DevOps.

It doesn't have to be topical like all of our other channels are.

It's also a good place to ask questions like, if you don't know where to ask a question.

All right.

So with that, I'm going to turn the mic over.

Open the floor up.

Anybody have questions, problems that they're dealing with Terraform Kubernetes helm.

Interesting news.

You've seen that you want to share.

Do go.

Go ahead yourself and talk vigils.

Did you also change agreed.

But because I notice it's changed the logo on it.

Least are paying for it.

You know.

So I started using Freeport before I became like a master of zappia.

And now it's just easier for me to use that beer than it is use greed.

But look, they have a good product.

And you know I want to support them.

But to do what I want to do is that I'm good at because we're actually copying that, and we started using Reebok in the company.

Oh, and when I saw that you are you actually started using your own logo.

I said to myself, OK, we might need to pay for it because is this kind of looks cheap on a company.

I hate I hate the Greek logo period to be honest, I really do.

I don't mind.

I don't mind it.

We're actually thinking of naming RRR next.

But after one of the guys that it's leaving the company now.

Yeah And a match to him because we want to start using Fogel as well.

But the words were just to see if ever we develop our own bot or we start using theirs because it's about $5 a month.

So it's not that.

So it's not for focal heavy met.

I think it's Vlad had you rejected.

Not yet.

So it's Vlad shoals Berg.

I think he's the one of the founders of vocal and he's en suite ops.

You can reach out to him if you have any questions.

Awesome Thanks.

Yeah well.

Any other questions.

Oh great shot.

I'm sad that the logo doesn't show that well in dark mode.

Oh, that was a consideration.

I just want to say.

And I was running dark road for a little while.

And I still do it on my Mac to be cool.

But to be honest, where a lot of things.

I just think it's I find myself constantly squinting at things.

So I've gone light mode for Slack.

We also implemented today are ss within Active Directory connector in our billing account.

So we're starting to actually having to redesign all of our policies and group.

I am groups and roles.

Fred yes.

So here's a guy that actually did it.

Brave dealing with all that I am.

Yeah Yeah.

Very, very lonesome work because you did it.

You did though all by himself.

So the process of that, which is not bad.

But you know, the more I like when I talk about stuff.

And I realize this is a little bit extreme for some, but I am.

It is great for managing your services, but you should almost never even be for humans because everything you do is going through your get UPS workflow and you're actually using your governance model for your source control and how powers are applied to regulate what actually happens.

And that eliminates a whole class of problems managing complex iam rules coming up with a matrix of groups.

And IAM permissions and policies that you need.

Right the thing is the thing is that even know we want to go ahead and eventually migrate the whole company to that that did structure based on using Terraform and either Atlantis or geodesic as we use it.

Right now we have a huge chunk going to company that it.

So I can not make an application in a single IBS account.

So until we migrate that monolithic account and slicing up.

I we will have to do this.

And besides also some of the developers still find useful.

The good tool of being able to access the tardis console and looking at logs and things like that.

So speaking of which did you see the post I forget who it was shared in the yes channel today.

It's really cool.

It's how to detect non content.

Like it.

Yes, we've had constant requests and alert on those which is kind of cool.

I think Lauren Lauren like money many elections.

Yeah, I had a meeting with some of the guys from the US and there's not much I can divulge.

But be alert of the rim Ben that is coming up because there are a lot of things related to import and that we will all be very happy to use this.

Basically, if you interact with a lot of VPN as for providers and other people.

Yeah Are you going to read them not myself.

OK One one of the other managers is if it drops out, I will be going.

And I might also be absent from work and appearing in the event anyway.

I don't know really.

I don't know yet.

But I am not yet booked but I do.

I do want to go.

If I can't.

We just our son was born a couple of months ago.

And my wife will kill me if I am gone on my own.

Is how the other two bonds two months.

Oh no.

The other cool thing I got.

And the other cool thing I've seen is you will somehow register all your resources that have been provisioned using your blessed method, whatever that is, whether it's tags or some other method Terraform state.

And you have a system going.

Sure checking every five seconds or whatever.

And just automatically deleting right.

Anything that's not.

I don't think.

I don't know anything about that.

You know use config and then you can have policies that enforce that, which is really neat.

When you put it together with database labs.

Yes benchmark.

So somebody brought a prowler which does something similar to this.

This is similar ADA.

Yes security benchmarks it's a.

It's implemented with CloudFormation and you can just deploy this to your account and it sets up all the continuous monitoring of your rules and stuff we came up with.

That's why we have a tear from module 4 CloudFormation.

So we could deploy that.

Yeah I'll share these is that kind of what you were thinking about Andrew or I don't know the underlying technology.

He was just telling me about how you know they could just anything that wasn't provisioned using the blessed method would just automatically get deleted immediately.

Oh, actually enforcement of the Yeah.

You can't.

I don't think you can do enforcement of it.

Yes, I can take.

I think config only will show you how compliant you are against your policies.

Not sure if it prevents.

Oh no his was his was Yeah.

His was active.

It was if you create something in the console, you know like this thing that somebody posted earlier where it shut out a Slack message or whatever.

Instead of shooting out a Slack message, it would actually just delete the resource.

OK, well, this is a third.

This is a software or open source that he's deployed for that.

I don't know.

I doubt it.

It was for a large financial institution.

So with ADP a service catalog, you can define the services that are permitted for native US accounts and anything that goes outside of that is not possible.

But it was too.

It was to enforce you know OK.

We have a policy of everything must be created in Terraform or whatever.

Yeah you know using our using our corporate you know workflow pipeline or whatever.

Yeah And so you had to have you had to have your.

They called it the.

Like break glass credentials where you know you could get in there and fix shit if things went wrong you know.

But you know it had this thing running all the time going it does get created using the blessed process.

No kill it.

That's really.

Yeah, that's really cool if you fuck you ask your friend.

What they're doing for that.

Yeah Yeah, I think jumps out at me.

I don't have anything for that.

Anybody else seen anything cool related to that policy enforcement right.

Well, let's see here.

So going looking through the agenda here.

Big guy.

Yeah quick, quick thing.

Those Kubernetes that have been cursing at helm for the last few years about the tiller and the security implications of that can finally put their finger down.

And Hillary has been officially released.

So that's cool.

I believe Helen file.

Now does support it.

But we haven't we haven't yet.

Kick the tires on it.

So I will confess to that anybody using held three yet because the beat has been out for a while.

No, I'm still I'm still on like hell I'm to dot forever ago because my company is slow.

I was looking at it, I was looking for something to give a talk on.

And I think you just gave me some Excel.

And it's a good excuse to get me exploring on three.

Yeah, I believe that's it.

I just posted it.

Oh cloud custodian that does ring a bell.

Let's see here.

No, I haven't started.

OK, cool.

OK So since they open source it and everything I can tell you.

He worked at Capital One and they were doing it at Capital One.

Capital One was using cloud custodian.

So Yeah, they go.

They open source.

That's on a lot of talk about it.

That's pretty legit.

Very cool.

Thanks for sharing.

I going to put them up speed UPS office hours by the way, if you guys haven't joined the office hours slack channel in suite ops yet.

That's where we're sharing all these link.

I have a question.

The to do any of you use any self service password application that you might want to recommend related to these 80 active every single sign on that we're right now, just trying to implement.

I have a current I currently have a BHP application that I have that allows me to reset passwords on Active Directory, but rather not use anything like BHP if I can avoid it.

Yeah, so we haven't used it for this use case yet.

Keep look, it's pretty awesome.

I don't know if I don't know if Qi cloak supports password resets on Active Directory.

It's closed.

Let's see here.

Yeah Looks like there's a solution with this.

So I mean, it seems like using Qi cloak would be a pretty legit opportunity.

So you know we use Qi cloak for our IDP gateway it looks and this is it base on balls.

So Qi cloak is by Red Hat.

It's in Java.

It supports every IDP imagine every other IP imaginable.

So if like I go to Portal here and log in.

You see I'm presented with the login screen.

This here is for Active Directory or whatever custom back end, you have.

And this here is for single sign on and you can integrate it with any number of a single sign on provider.

So it's cool here is our customer that manages their end and we manage r and OK.

And we have to have our own server for it.

Or is it.

So yes a key look is I said, open source looked at work did you run it yourself.

If you want a marriage service would you like to Yeah.

Because what you thought about October or 0 0.

The only reason for using zero was that it was it's made right by a guy from Argentina.

That's where we're from.

Oh cool.

Yeah Oh, that's it comes highly recommended.

That I think is the 800 pound gorilla in space you know.

So I keep close comes into play also from an economics perspective.

You know.

Especially it gets very pricey key cloak yourself host and self manage.

I have no idea what you're increasing the attack surface obviously by using open source.

Off the shelf stuff.

But I haven't been critical CVD for some time.

And it is supported by Red Hat.

Make maintain.

OK Thanks I have to get you released to have regular people looking for it.

Well, for what it's worth you know like everything else, we have under a cloud a posse helm files we have also are distribution of how we install key cloak.

So this is a way to get started faster.

So what's cool with using key cloak as well is you can use it together with a gatekeeper and gate keeper becomes your identity aware proxy and then you can secure all your apps behind that have you felt about gatekeeper.

Last time I looked at it, it felt like a dumpster fire painless.

I don't know.

I mean, we haven't had any problems with it.

It was, as with everything.

Open source.

The challenge is initially getting everything working because documentation is out of date or nonexistent or conflicting.

So once you find that once you find a working recipe for it.

What's really well.

And we can just.

So this is all behind gatekeeper right now it's all protected by my single sign on it.

And that includes the Cuban ID dashboard.

And this is using my role with gatekeeper to authenticate through key cloak to the Cuban ID dashboard and the roll bindings there to map my ADP role to keep to Kubernetes.

Yeah, we're seeing one of those fun dropped.

Really good.

What was that one of those fun drop Downs that I don't have.

Oh, this is the latest version.

So if we just updated key cloak sorry, folks or rather forecastle to the latest release and then you can associate metadata with the services in the portal.

What's also cool about the latest release of forecastle written for castle but pronounced forecastle is you can now have a C or D So you can this whole menu is managed using C or D for forecastle and that's cool.

If you're using things like Istio and virtual services or virtual gateways and you can't use the same ingress annotations that forecastle is designed to use.

So now you just deploy the 4 castle app CRT and you can add anything you want to the menu here.

Which is cool.

Also for like external services and things like that.

So clicking on this takes me out to page do.

Any other questions related to that.

I was a rabbit hole there.

I have a question about this and that guys.

My name is Rocco.

I'm from Romania.

Thanks it's my first time. this them.

Yeah, good to have you.

Thanks something now implementing what I was doing about a man in the Navy.

Yes And we'll go for that.

We go production later next year and not get using the North region in Stockholm and that they.

That is available.

Yeah, I'm not notable to have more easy on the cluster.

And the reason that I need multi g at least for now is only to get the staging of programming quickly as possible for the logs because we have logs from engineering.

So from application logs some and we are sending depending on which application of the logs.

But assembling them from the elastic index.

Gotcha OK.

So it sounds like you're not using Kubernetes.

First of all.

Yeah not OK.

It's supposed to be OK because like if you were using humanities then what I would just say is like I used one of the fluid d exporters.

We have the exporters to like Elasticsearch.

We have it to day to dog we have it to Splunk sorry Blaise we don't have it to Sumo Logic but.

But yeah.

So using fluid basically is what you're going to want for your logs right to stream those to one of the.

What do you want to get those off the servers.

You shouldn't care about the servers.

So my approach.

Now for a quick solution was OK.

Just go with the worker nodes in the single easy, so I can create a consistent volume and mount in every pod and have a sidecar container with locks.

I already have them all interconnected curation problem lock.

So just read the logs send them to Elasticsearch on a regular date of hour.

Yeah That works as well.

I mean so.

So we say engine x are you talking engine x ingress or are you deploying engine x separately inside Kubernetes.

No, it's simply interesting.

Well, OK.

So you do have another option, though you can configure engine x to log to STP out.

And then you just use the whole back plane of the Cuban Navy's logging and then you can use the fluency stuff et cetera.

Yeah but they had a problem with the thought that they were putting out a real end to water on the lines not pursue the line.

So that was my biggest problem when I did the test with sending everything to the out.

Yeah, I hear you.

I know what you mean and I've seen that sometimes happen.

So if that's a deal breaker maybe it gets complicated.

The other thing, though, is fluency and so log stache you know was used to be the leader.

It seems like everything's moved over to f So it's now the F back instead of the stack.

Yeah, and I'm not sure if Flutie does a better job of handling multi-line joining those entries.

I know you can write custom filters and we've had to do that for customer applications that will join those lines.

But OK.

But what you described.

It just sounds like more work.

But if you have a working.

Hey, you know, that's the hardest part right there.

So if you fix it yet.

It's not now.

I will go with the solution and see the future, how to change it.

What's the biggest problem is it also needs to do a lot of standardization on blogs before sending them to plastic.

Yeah Yeah.

So we did that as well.

I don't know if I have an easy example to pull up here that's open source but Yeah, basically what we wanted to do is take a structured log data generated by custom applications, specifically written in Rails using the standard logger there.

So its key value pairs.

And we wanted to cast that into JSON and structured data for Elasticsearch so it's easily filtered.

And that was pretty straightforward to achieve with it.

OK looking great.

Yeah Oh, yeah.

What would they recommend for monitoring.

Good combat in this cluster.

And storing the data for a long time.

Like the data from the last one.

Yeah Yeah.

So definitely a few options there.

If we're talking open source, then the de facto answer is pretty much saying Prometheus and alert manager and using all the exporters with that refinery.

And if you are using that then how you manage Prometheus is a bigger question right.

So Prometheus itself is a memory hog and when you query it that could take down your luster.

So basically, the reference architecture for me Prometheus is to have a hierarchy basically each node runs each cluster runs its own Prometheus but manages a very small retention period.

And then you have a centralized Prometheus, which aggregates the Prometheus of all the other nodes.

If you require like extreme precision you're going to lose some precision with this.

But for most people and monitoring that doesn't matter.

And then this is going to get you what you need for long term retention.

Prometheus now there are other considerations.

There's Thanos which is open source data store for Prometheus.

We don't have firsthand experience deploying it yet.

So I can't tell you how painful or non painful that is.

But that seems like the way to go.

If you need to have tremendous scale for your metrics.

But can I say no glass or some data from September yes or so.

I'm not quite sure what you're referring to.

So So basically, you the companies metrics APIs got the heap stir.

You have all these services that export data and a Prometheus form, then what Prometheus does is it scrapes that.

So Prometheus is running on it just on a certain number of nodes in the cluster.

And then you have hipster hipsters that one is one of the products that gets metrics out of the cluster out of Kubernetes and how the scheduling is doing.

And then you send that to Prometheus and the Prometheus sends that somewhere.

So where does Prometheus store its data.

So Prometheus supports a whole bunch of plug a while back ends for this.

OK Yeah.

And the default or the fastest 1.

Take it up and running is just local file system.

But then that causes problems right.

If you want an easy.

And I fail over.

So to be honest what we do for smaller installations with Prometheus is we're using EFS and that seems to be working pretty good right now.

We don't know yet when that's going to fall over.

But we have a few things in our toolbox to deal with that.

One is you know provisioned AI ops.

So most like the most likely reason for having problems with running Prometheus on a fast is going to be problems with throughput.

And we haven't seen it yet.

So we can dial that throughput way up before we invest in coming up with a more sophisticated back.

I'm glad to hear you say that, because we're doing the same thing.

Nice We were we.

Everybody goes.

I don't use you know nf S, which is what he offensives right.

I'll use that effect for your post gross databases don't use manifest for you GitLab you know persistent storage.

Don't use that if that's for this and that never other thing.

And we're going well, we're small.

And we had the same thought.

It's like, well, when it falls over we'll figure something else out you know because we're still in like beta.

It's a reverse and it hasn't fallen over.

And we're not slow anymore.

It's a good point.

And it's a testament to just how performance and reliable EFS is related to this.

Like we were running airflow in airflow expects to have a shared file system and well airflow started falling over and guess whose fault it was.

It was CSS and we just our CSS file system wasn't big enough.

But here's the hero story of this all.

Like we could have spent, hundreds of hours on our customer's tab to fix this using some more elegant solution like like engineered solution or for $300 extra a month.

We could bump up the AI ops on that file system and the problems just disappeared.

And that was like a big deal.

That's what we did.

Another thing you can do is you can dda bunch of garbage into the system just make them some bigger, which gives you more credits.

So it still keeps it burn stable.

Yeah but you get more credits because your system's bigger.

Yeah pay for a little bit more storage and you pay for more storage but you're paying less for the more storage than you're paying for the provision Diop.

Oh, really.

So that's Yeah.

So you just did it.

Yeah So you just did a terabyte of garbage into your EFS and you get a bunch of credits.

All right, everyone you heard it here first.

The same is true for art yes.

By the way.

Yeah, it's cheaper to just make a bigger regular GPU to already assistance and get the three eye apps per gig than it is to max out the 50 i.e. apps provision i.e. apps per gig.

Yeah, it is the whole deal.

First of all, it's still.

Yes it's cheaper.

Yeah, that's all I'm saying.

The same goes for IBS warming too.

Food for thought.

Yeah Yeah.

That is true.

Yeah, I remember CBS warming while I remember AI remember having to have a script that would run to just cat dev you know HDI or whatever to do to warm that up.

Be the good old days.

Cool Etsy or so.

Interesting thing is that today it was just announced that Dockers sold off their enterprise portion of their business to mantis mantis if you don't know, is that they're like one of the preeminent professional services company for cloud technologies.

They got their start on like managed installations of OpenStack and have branched out to companies and everything else.

It's somebody said kind of trolling that you know, who even uses enterprise.

But Docker and I think there's a point there.

Yeah but the more interesting is like, wait.

This is kind of scary to me because like Docker doesn't really even have a business model, right now.

And you know they're running out of runway with their venture capital.

And then they've sold the enterprise business.

Granted that wasn't generating a lot of money.

But like what's the plan.

Now like the one the one revenue generator they had is now gone.

So does this mean, I don't need to log in to download Docker anymore.

Are they going to get rid of that.

I like when Docker Hub goes away.

I mean, if they go where you know what will happen.

I thought.

Honestly, I think Docker Hub is the equivalent of something Docker and Dr. hub is to us in our industry of like you know DevOps is the equivalent of YouTube for social media right.

It's so critical to the entire industry.

But too expensive for a business that depends on it to exist and survive too big to fail and too big to fail.

So I like Dr. Docker Hub has to be acquired by a company like Microsoft that can afford a loss leader to keep up.

I think Hunter s Thompson phrase too weird to live too.

I can't remember exactly the phrase from fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Well, the too big to fail quote is from the 2008 all the banks you know all the banks getting bailed out.

Yeah Oh, yeah.

But yeah.

Yeah, there was a movie called fear and Loathing in Las Vegas about Hunter s Thompson and there's a line from it where he's talking about his lawyer and it goes there he goes.

One of God's creations too weird to live like too rare to die or something.

So doctor doctor.

I don't have a huge problem with it because you can put your own stuff up the Docker Hub.

And whatever.

What I have a huge problem with and I'm really glad that they're fixing it withheld 3 is the stable repository of film charts.

Oh, wait, no.

So what are they fixing.

3 with their deprecating that repo and moving everybody over to helm hub.

Yeah because that's like trying to get trying to get a pull request or something into that repo is like pulling teeth.

Oh, it's in class.

We gave up.

We long ago, we gave up.

Yeah So it's like that.

I don't mind Docker Hub second push my own thing at the Docker Hub whenever I want and people can use it.

But the health chart stable repository is what infuriated me.

But they held hub.

And I plead ignorance here.

I just used it for discovery.

But it's not like a chart aggregator is it like it doesn't cache the charts.

You can't.

No as an upstream chart.

No no it's just a place to find where people are publishing charts.

Which is cool.

And all, but one of the problems.

I am in one of the problems right is when you start depending on all these third party charts and things that they go away or they are deprecated and if you depend on it, and you don't localize it.

So I would like a hybrid like I can self manage it.

But they proxy it somehow kind of.

Well, I guess that I was going to say Terraform registry.

But they don't they proxy that they don't own it.

They don't care.

Where's pier.

I'll notify the feature request.

Yeah proxy proxy that own charge.

Not cool, actually.

Any updates to notify.

I added I read me.

Oh, very nice.

Thank you.

The to give.

If they weren't on the call last week.

This is really neat.

He'll notify her.

It's an open source project.

One of the suite IFRS members appear.

What's cool about it is you can look at any one of these repos any one of these helm charts.

And you can compare chart versions between each other.

And so here, the difference between any two chart versions on this chart.

Now the UI is kind of limited in what you can compare.

But the oil is totally unlimited.

So you can you can just hack the external and compare any two versions of an old chart to see what the differences are and that should de-risk your upgrades in the future.

So he's working on a feature that I requested that you can inspect just any individual version, like the hall chart as well.

I just posted a screenshot of you sent it to me earlier.

I don't think it's alive yet, but it's nice.

He also calls out like it this started out as just like some tool for him to use personally cause he was tired of having to figure things out.

And so like, yeah.

The UI being really rough was just it worked for him.

And so he didn't spend any more time on it.

Right but now it's an open source project.

You know we can help him with that.

Yeah notify or get hell no fire, whatever is what I do.

Yeah, you're welcome for the read me. yes.

Here it is.

I just.

I had one comment about the maraniss acquisition.

Yeah, Mark was up.

I was just reading the tech crunch article because this was brand new right.

Yeah, it just came out today.

So the list the list in the tech crunch article says with this deal Francis is acquiring Docker enterprise technology platform and all associated IP.

And then they list each one enterprise engine trusted registry unified control plane and CLI think it's the but I think it's the enterprise.

Clive for managing those Africans.

OK, I'm going to hope I'm going to hope that's right.

Yeah, I think so.

Clia itself is deal with this is CLI.

Everything else is like enterprise or trusted or you know this just as democracy alive.

That's a doctor CLI the is the CLI open source but it was ours.

No, but now you have a new company to go talk to you of your problem.

Yeah, right.

In related news also announced today is that way is open source.

So-called the premium Docker registry acquired by Cora less than a chorus was gobbled up by Red Hat.

And now they're open sourcing it.

True to their ethos I think kwe was also a chart registry right.

Crazy thing that I always loved was it came bill 10 with the static container analysis with Clare.

Yeah my kid you just got it for nothing like that was great.

Yeah So that's pretty cool.

Which is interesting because like we were just gearing up to deploy Harbour not a good story for Harvard by the way.

But Harbour is kind of like the alternative the open source alternative to Wade before Wade was open source Harbour uses Claire under the hood as well for container scanning.

What's cool about Harbour is you can use it as a pull through cash for dark Docker, which I wonder if kwe kwe supports will through cash as well.

Artifact those two artifacts he does.

But the commercial one you can't guess stores art factory doesn't do it.

I don't believe my company is currently looking at the commercial art factory.

It's not that expensive.

It's like what $3,000 a year from limited users.

I mean, it's not that much money.

Yeah, for the professional.

I thought it was something like $3,000 per user or something.

No, but just the Jay frog in the pricing.

When I reached out in the past seemed prohibitively expensive.

But if they're saying $3,000 a month artifact sorry 3,000 a year for Artifact free and limited user well, that seems totally true.

That's what I heard.

I mean, I'll go.

I'm not doing a little research.

But yeah.

There may be usage limits there.

I think I just remember hearing and stand up today about when we were using our usage of it was right.

No like no poll images was too high.

I'm sick of all of them.

Yeah Yeah, I got it.

I got you, bro.

Justin right there.

I love him.

Yeah is just the first link there and a wonder.

What was that.

So our factory going under sir.

Our factory pro.

So I'm looking it on for him because that's what we do.

Like we do all on prem because we're a government system integrator like you know people run away from cloud unless it's like AWS.

We've got lots of AWS stuff going on.

And Azure and whatever.

But all the different chat services, not so much.

But Yeah.

2,950 a year unlimited number of users.

I mean, that's what we're looking at dude.

But no freaking us three stories.

That's three.

Yeah, that's three.

No no it says no.

That says that's not included.

Well but there that strip.

Why not three right.

I mean, if you already have three what you need that for no, no, no.

Persistence of your artifacts.

I don't want to manage that UBS volumes.

Oh, I gotcha so I got I got it.

So I guess that means using EFS but still as three seems like a better option than EFS.

I gotcha gotcha gotcha.

So what we cared about was the universal support for universal support for all major packages because we want private NPM private helm private doctor that's like and private Maven and private and all that stuff like so will.

Well, we'll figure out guster FSA or whatever you know because it's 25,000 people like you know.

Lester I've never met any company ever.

That's been successful with that.

Yeah Every time I've used it.

It's been like this false promise.

And I regretted it.

OK Rebalancing well yes yes yes yes yes.

I'd be curious for this artifact because we used the previous companies.

But I wasn't involved with it.

The basic things.

You know you have to get off the enterprise of a workforce has high availability built in for a service like this.

It needs to be up like you can't deploy without it.

You can't build without assumption after that.

Yeah So I'm wondering like does that just mean, you have to know how to make a replica set of this Docker container.

And that's their high availability built in that they're charging $26,000 a year for it.

For what's that mean, I'm not optimistic if we take a look at Jenkins, the open source, making that AJ without enterprise is like impossible right.

It's by design.

They cripple it to not support running concurrent copies on a system unlike a plastics file system.

So OK, this is good.

So like without artifact Uri if you want.

So we've talked about what helm private helm private Docker, which sounds like Harbour or clay.

Yeah, it's quite.

This quite have helped.

It does.

OK So clay what about like private NPM for that.

Yeah So yeah, I don't have experience with the private APM.

OK And then like everything everything needs to have like Samuel or whatever SSL.

Good luck getting that with anything that cost less than like $30,000 a year ahead.

Well, there's nothing.

We have.

We have Samuel with Glavin at zero.

Yeah So lucky.

Yeah, I think Harvard did when we looked at last lasted had some kind of open source stuff will.

But any kind of like Sas product forget it.

That's what I meant.

Open source like Harvard's open source is open source.

Now like if we're not going to go with Artifactory because of all this stuff.

You guys you're talking about like the end of the you know, they're going to hamstring high availability to make you pay $30,000 a year, which for a big company.

I mean, you still get unlimited number of users. $30,000 a year is $1 a user for me right.

No I mean, that failed company you're at this is Yeah.

No brainer.

It's $1 a user, you also got to factor in the cost of engineering right a human effort, which is much greater.

Yeah, so I think it's well worth it with that consideration.

So I don't know.

It doesn't seem to me that harbors ports an mp supports SSA lot a lot.

There's AI forgot what the website is does anyone know there's a website that shames people for putting SSO behind paywalls like for you know at pro virgin or enterprise virgin or whatever like.

So Charles sir.

No like I said.

So as always.

And Alex you love this right the enterprise.

If you'd figure I get so pissed off at that.

Yeah, probably.

So while it's SSL dot tax though.

Check out SSA dot tax.

Oh, I love it.

OK that's us.

There's a giant list of companies who and it's got the percent increase of how much extra you have to pay to get SSL go down a little bit.

And there's a table.

I love it.

Yeah, I did a comparison somewhere.

Let's see.

Yeah Oh, this is great.

Oh so thank you for sharing that way with someone mind pulling me in on the unethical aspect of this.

SSL makes you more secure.

Now And it's like these people are trying to fleece you of more money just to be more secure.

My father did a lot of stealing tools that do this.

Like up above.

This table is like three or four paragraphs explaining why this is a problem.

Like Yeah.

Yeah And like Slack.

Right you know 6 6 667 user OK.

I can pallet that.

But now I want to enable SSL.

And look, we're a small company.

But I had people come and go.

I don't want to have to log in all the time and remove users.

It's like I just want to be with you sweet, sweet is free.

Basically right.

So why can't I just get that.

No, I need to double my costs double it using single sign on and look like I'm not an enterprise.

But I can benefit from it.

So it gives me high blood pressure too.

But when you go through the like the thought experiment.

All right.

What are all the ways we can like charge companies when our product is more valuable to them.

I get it.

Single sign on is a pretty good trigger indicator.

But it's but there are a lot of false positives.

And collateral damage for a smaller company as well century charging 200 percent like it is.

Some of them are ridiculous in 500% area table.

Wow is there zap here.

There's your there's your app.

But sat down at the bottom.

Yeah Yeah.

No, I saw.

So the only places I use single sign on are where it doesn't cost me $1 or more to use it.

Unfortunately, I just can't justify it.

That's like this is why.

OK, Eric runs a company.

He's got six employees or I don't know how many employees.

He has.

But he's got six.

He hires one more.

You know that.

He adds them to a dozen different services that Eric runs.

You know all over the place.

You know each one has its own user name and password.

And that employee decides to show up drunk one day and Eric needs to fire them.

And you know he needs to remember to go through every single service and take away their user account versus go into his Active Directory or whatever, go look, they're gone.

Yeah, exactly.

And they keep in mind that thousands and thousands of companies depend on what we have out there and we need to be secure about the companies fleece us.

I can't do it.

Anyway there is.

Thank you for sharing this this was great.

I'm going to use this refer to this company.

I read an article that they apparently someone got his cloud credentials.

And this guy deleted like 10 grand worth of servers yet it doesn't surprise hacker.

That's all I care about.

That was one of the best story.

Like this guy does amazing job telling the story.

The chief security officer thing at does it talk about how a shape shift got hacked.

This one here always does a great.

Listen first of all.

It's why why you need to use certificate based SSH but also why single sign on is critical and implicitly when I say single sign on what I mean is MFA or multi-factor authentication.

So that you know passwords are compromised somebody can't just keep your share those or log into your systems and delete $10,000 with the service.

So this was a blockchain company called shape shift and they did one of their engineers was corrupted offered a bunch of money to give up his keys and to some hacker the hacker used them compromised the systems.

They quickly traced it back to that engineer they fired him.

You know like how many thousands of big points were stolen something like that.

And then the hackers.

So they shut down everything they change the keys and like the next day or a few days later more bitcoins are stolen and they can't figure out what's going on.

And it turns out that basically they had installed a rootkit on somebody's laptop and every time they rotated the passwords.

They were just getting the latest password, and they were able to use that to keep compromising.

This isn't even their entire infrastructure.

I think in a separate cloud or in a new account, something like that.

And they were compromised again, because they didn't have multi-factor.

All right.

So we are basically at the end of the office hours for today.

Is I use duet to share my screen.

And now something's going to say, I can't see my mouse on that screen.

Oh, well.

So first office hours I've been to I keep meaning to get home and I get the email like I get the email and then read it like five hours later.

Yeah And also time zone can be complicated.

And now that we're going to have it on my work calendar as I'm busy during this time.

Like people don't see what my events are.

They just say I'm busy.

Do you work.

I assume you work remotely because I hear your house in the background.

My my messy office.

Yeah got to turn on my guy turn on my background when I'm talking to customers and stuff.

All I see is so Mike like where are you.

Are you on the call micro.

No you're not.

But one of my buddies who's in sweet ops he kicked the tires on a dubious control tower did not have many positive things to say.

So I was hoping to hear from him today, but he couldn't make it.

Well we'll leave that as a talking point for you next week.

Other than that looks like we covered everything except we're OK.

Get up actions I'll take that from next time.

More more fun experiments with other actions.

Anyways guys it's great discussion.

Always have a good time.

Thank you for showing up.

I'll see you guys next week same place same time.

Bye, guys.


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Erik Osterman is a technical evangelist and insanely passionate DevOps guru with over a decade of hands-on experience architecting systems for AWS. After leading major cloud initiatives at CBS Interactive as the Director of Cloud Architecture, he founded Cloud Posse, a DevOps Accelerator that helps high-growth Startups and Fortune 500 Companies own their infrastructure in record time by building it together with customers and showing them the ropes.