What is the typical lifecycle of a small change?

Erik Osterman

Can you walk through the typical lifecycle of a small change that you might help us with, specifically with how it relates to coordinating changes between your team and ours?

Every change in your environment starts with submitting a pull request as our solution is built with a fully GitOps driven approach. Depending on the CODEOWNERS configuration for the repository, branch protections will require all pull requests to have approvals by specific stakeholders, in addition to requiring all checks to pass. We also try to automate as much of the review process as possible. For example, when the pull request is opened, it automatically kicks off a job to validate the change against your environment so you can see the impact of any change.

The coordination needed is simply about figuring out who will be responsible for each part of the release process. The tooling handles the rest and we have a policy-driven approach (Open Policy Agent) to enforce it.

This includes:

  • Who will submit the pull request, which is entirely dependent on your comfort level with the change, or if you prefer us to take the lead.
  • Reviewing the pull request and applying changes to it as needed.
  • Approving and merging the pull request.
  • Validating and confirming the changes.

The toolchain in your CI/CD process provides Slack notifications and full audit history of everything that happens to give you optimal visibility and traceability.

Lastly, where applicable we implement blue/green rollout strategies for releases, but there are edge cases where a change could be disruptive to active development or live services. In such cases, these would be carefully coordinated to be released at an approved time.

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