What evidence backs your claims or promises?

Erik Osterman

Here are some additional resources you can review:

  1. Our GitHub is where we publish over 140 terraform modules we've written and open-sourced under the Apache 2 software license. Our repos see over 11K unique visitors every single day and have over 5000 stars. We receive dozens of Pull Requests every week.
  2. Our Reviews are glowing both from our customers and from our community.
  3. Our Community will tell you how much we've helped them. You can scan through all of our archives to see what they say.
  4. Our YouTube Channel showcases many of our presentations and webinars
  5. Our Office Hours Recordings demonstrate our depth of knowledge and commitment to help others.
  6. Our Service Catalog is what lets us rapidly deploy the applications you see in our demos and is regularly updated.
  7. Our Work is Cited all over the place.
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