Public “Office Hours” (2019-11-20)

Erik OstermanOffice Hours

1 min read

Here's the recording from our “Office Hours” session on 2019-11-20.

We hold public “Office Hours” every Wednesday at 11:30am PST to answer questions on all things DevOps/Terraform/Kubernetes/CICD related.

These “lunch & learn” style sessions are totally free and really just an opportunity to talk shop, ask questions and get answers.

Register here:

Basically, these sessions are an opportunity to get a free weekly consultation with Cloud Posse where you can literally “ask me anything” (AMA). Since we're all engineers, this also helps us better understand the challenges our users have so we can better focus on solving the real problems you have and address the problems/gaps in our tools.

Machine Generated Transcript

Welcome to Office hours.

It's November 20th.

Today my name's Eric Osterman.

I'm going to be leading the conversation.

I'm the CEO and founder of cloud posse where DevOps accelerator we help startups own their infrastructure in record time by building it for you and then showing you the ropes and how to do it.

For those of you who are new to the call the format of this is very informal.

My goal is to get your questions and answer them the best we can.

Feel free to unleash yourself at any time if you want to jump in and participate.

We host these calls every week, we'll automatically post a video of this recording to the office hours channel and I'll follow up with an email as well.

So you can share that around with your team.

If you want to share something that's private.

Just ask.

And we can temporarily temporarily support a suspend the recording and do that.

So with that said, let's kick this off.

So here are a couple of key points, we can cover today.

First and foremost, though, I want to get your answers question.

But if we encounter some silence.

This is what we can discuss.

Namely, there's been some work by AWS in partnership with terror former hashi corp. on supporting landing zones and support.

Unfortunately, this is only an enterprise feature right now.

Mike Rowe joined us kindly has kicked the tires of AWS as a control tower, and his experience.

Well, let him share what that was like.

And then we also have a couple announcements AWS or HBO announced managed node pools for UK s and Terraform already supports it.

So we'll cover that and time permitting, we can always go into get of actions or Terraform cloud, things like that.

All right.

So I'm going to hand this over.

Anybody have questions.

First of all, that we should get answered right.

Let me check what's going on in Slack channel 8 and have them in front of me.

Office hours.

All right.

So no questions there.

All right.

Well, then Mike, do you want to talk about your experience with e.w. its control tower because this is the first I've really heard of it from a firsthand account of user.

So I think others would be really interested.

First would you want to start with an intro of what it is.

Otherwise, I can do that.

Yeah point if you want to just do a general intro of what it is especially with how you would see it you know in terms of working with the products that you guys have put together again and I'll actually demo it and give you guys kind of an overview of how it runs.

And then I'll probably curse professionally for a few months and then hopefully that'll close everything out.

So all right really cool self for those that you don't know clown posse.

We do a lot of Terraform and we also have a project on our GitHub called reference stash architectures reference architectures and this is what we've been using to support our own consulting when we onboarding new customer basically lay out the US account foundation and do it in this opinionated way where we use one GitHub repository per AWS account.

So basically treating IBS accounts almost as an application in and of itself.

This process is not perfect right now.

Anybody who's tried it has probably run into some challenges because there's a lot of edge cases.

There's a lot of rough edges when you're working with AWS accounts namely they're not like first class ID or for automation you can't do many things that you want to be able to do like you want to be testing these things for the ICD like you'd want to be able to destroy an account and bring it back up again.

Well, you can't destroy an account and Terraform unless you first log in with a whole bunch of click UPS and accept the terms and conditions, and all this other stuff.

So that's meant that we can't automate basically of US accounts to the extent that we would like.

Well, good news is Amazon came out with a couple things.

One is this concept of landing zones, which are like eight of US accounts that are pre provision with a certain configurations and settings and pretty turnkey and the other is their control tower, which is basically a product designed to provision landing zones as best as I understand it.

This sounds really cool on the surface because hey, this is not something that we technically want to continue supporting like if Amazon just made it easier to create AWS account architectures like a vending machine that be awesome.

So I've been holding out hope that we could use this control tower.

Well, Mike here has reached out to us because he was starting down the path with a new company two sets to provision the reference architectures and I said, hey, wait before you do that.

Why didn't you check out control tower.

And let me know what you think about it.

I thought I was doing him a favor.

So we'll see what he actually thought about that now at least I was willing to jump on the call.

So it doesn't show.

I'm totally pissed off at Erik let me down, down this route.

But So I had a clean 8 abuse account.

And I thought, you know what.

I needed.

I wanted to provision individual accounts for each of our engineers to have their own sandbox and keep it totally isolated from everybody else.

You know it sounded like the ideal use case you know we're using this.

So am I able.

Can I share my screen.

Eric Yeah.

Let me stop sharing.

Go ahead.

All right.

So let me see.

Just a reminder that we are recording this.

Make sure you don't have any secrets on that Yeah I think I'm on Watch that.

So Yeah.

So let's say interesting perspective.

The fingers on the keyboard.

You know.

I don't know why they put my the doesn't you know that the video camera down at the bottom right at the base of the screen it makes no sense.

So on it.

All right.

Are they gone.

What do you guys see and are you seeing my eye to see I see your smug morgana.

All right.

So we're can I get this to this.

I thought I was sharing the screen, maybe I'm not.

There we go or you get my screen now.

Yeah, I see it.

I see some.

I see the single sign on with eight of just counting the cast below their right.

So the first thing to keep in mind is once you install control tower it goes through and provisions and all of the account log account automatically for you.

So you know one of the things that I actually posted him.

And one of our select channels is do we still need to go and increase your account limit.

And the answer right away is yes because the minute you install control center your control tower, and provision it takes away two of your four accounts.

So you're you go through with a clean account.

And you can at most create two sub accounts.

But So you've definitely got to start with a increase in your limit out of the chute to do anything worthwhile and just add some context there for those who aren't running like multi account AWS out of the box is saying basically you sign up for AWS.

They give you four accounts.

And if you want to provision more.

And these days like we typically provisioned like seven to nine accounts out of the box.

Well, you just got to open up a support ticket and say, you need more accounts and add a little justification of why that is kind of ironic though, because they built this thing out of his control tower for the perfect checklist of like vending accounts and AWS is crippled by out of the box to even use it.

So kind of weird.

Yeah And what make.

And another thing I found out which they don't document anywhere is there's like a magical number of 10 accounts that they could do quickly.

And if you want to go over 10, you've got to do a special justification for us.

So if you're experimenting if you ask for 10.

You can get that easy.

I asked for 15 and managed to get 15 although it took several back and forth.

OK So.

So it uses a W a single sign on in order to log into all your accounts.

And so I'm signed on as our master account here.

And I don't understand how this whole thing works.

So if you guys will forgive me that it looks rough it.

It is.

And I don't quite have a full understanding of it.

But But let's say I want to provision.

So So this is you know it creates the master account an archive log archive and an audit account.

Now let's say I want to provision a new account.

So this is I need a new isolated account.

So I fire up the management console and it basically does the assume role within this as the administrator.

And so in order to actually go provision it a new account.

I came into this.

And I was like, OK.

Well, let's go to control tower because that's what I just installed right.

So we go into Control tower you muck around in here for a while and you realize this is just the you know you can brew peruse all of your organizational units and things like that.

But it doesn't really give you.

This is where you can configure it and look at all the guardrails that you know that they and guardrails are their way of saying this sub account that you create had these different restrictions placed on them and they have some standard guardrails that you can't create public read access to log archives and all this other stuff.

So you can really drill into all the restrictions that you place on these sub accounts.

But after a while, if you're trying to create a new account.

I finally realized, oh, I don't do it here.

I've got to go to a different Amazon product called the service catalog.

And so the service catalog is actually where you can launch this you know this product.

And so this is an apparently there they're setting this up so that you can create different portfolios with different types of products.

I'm just using the standard product.

And so if I want to create a new account.

I've actually got to go in to the control tower, and actually launch this product.

And so I'm going to I'm going to walk through a hypothetical I won't create it at the end.

But let's say I want to create a test account.

And now we start to get where it's interesting.

So the single sign on e may l this is using their single sign on corporate directory.

So I know I could use my you know might screw it in my test email.

Now, the next thing is when you're creating an account.

One of the things with Amazon accounts every Amazon account has to have a unique email.

So you cannot reuse an email, or it will.

And if you do use an email that's already in use it will go through the entire CloudFormation process of setting this up and then hope you an error saying, oh, that email is already in use.

OK to further tell you how rough around the edges.

This is if you hit your Amazon limit, it will go through and try to create your fifth account and just give you the very helpful message.

Internal error and it took me 50 minutes of googling when somebody finally said, oh, yeah.

You need to increase your account limit.

So you know what I've been doing is I've been just creating this adding something extra to my email to create it.

Right And so now you do have the nice feature here that you can reuse your same single sign on.

You know you can standardize it on your single sign on email.

But and have a different account email for the different account emails that you're setting up.

So you can have like one single sign on and free accounts by changing you know whatever you.

Let's not do this period.

So you know and then you know whatever mind my test account is you can tag it you know as you would expect you want to have s and s topics to be able to and s.

And then you now can launch this, and this will after about 15 minutes of chugging it'll send an email to this this email and say, here's how you log in.

So let me go ahead and log out of this.

And I'm going to go back and actually sign all the way out and almost sign in just as me as a user.

And so let's sign out.

And by the way, I have not signed gone in and set up my MFA for this.

So right now.

I am just doing this.

So when you sign into this new account.

It's not even the standard Amazon look and feel until you drill into your different accounts.

And so this is my account that I want to sign in as my admit.

You know as an administrator and now I'm into my account.

So that's how control tower works.

They've instituted this kind of strange UI that is sort of confusing to manage it, especially when you come at it from the past experience of using us in some ways, it is cleaner.

It's just that it's different.

So one question I have.

And I don't know if you know the answer.

But with AWS counts we use provision and we even like using Terraform or whatnot.

And you specify that email address each one of those accounts actually has a master account associated with it.

And if you don't go and do a password reset on that whoever does can now basically initialize that, especially if you're using a role account like a role email address.

They can now do a password reset on that set up MFA and basically get you locked out of the root account at the master account level.

Have they done things to prevent that yet.

No no.

All this is really doing is really managing your data.

Yes organizations for you.

Yeah And so each of these accounts that you set up is a sub account, and it is you know that that's all it's essentially managing as part of that.

Yeah All right, let's.

That is interesting.

So thank you for doing that.

Anything else is part of we want to show or.

No, not really.

I just it's you know if it works, it takes some puts and around.

I wonder now if it would have been better to go through with Terraform you know, for me, I think, using form and kind of the reference architecture might have been easier.

But this in the long run might have been better for other people to kind of step in and start to manage.

Right oh, you know, I'm almost of the opinion that this is you know, it's good if you're not a tier form user, but it is definitely not turnkey.

Yes it's got to work through it and kind of figure out what indefinitely click jobs.

Yeah Yeah.

A couple questions I attended a little bit late, but it looks like they Stole that UI right from one log in because that's one logins idea of, here's a list of rolls.

You have access to.

How do you.

How does it know what roles are giving users access to.

That's a good question that I ask that, because I'm curious if you could set up the so outside of their control tower, and still and the like still provisional your accounts and everything with Terraform you'll make the roll maybe it's just a tag on a roll or something that gives it access that it'll show up in that menu for people that that's a group that's a good question.

I have not delved that far into it.

So OK, fair enough.

Yeah And you are you already had your master account set up with some level of single sign on or no, actually no.

OK I started with a fresh account and it's set up single sign on and everything is part of installing terror.

I mean, not the control tower can you just authenticating a guest Active Directory or somewhere that.

Now this is actually authenticate.

You can.

But when it's set up single sign on.

It's set up, it just an Amazon single sign on.

OK single setup.

So bull well.

So then that that's actually a nice segue into this.

It was posted in office hours earlier this week.

Just wanted to call it out to everyone else, this is interesting because if you're in l.a. and you went to the west l.a.

DevOps meetup there was this was hinted at it was coming.

So AWS some professional services team inside of AWS together with hashi four has been working on adding some support for landings and landing zones are kind of like what control tower provisions.

So it's not the control tower piece is that it's that sub piece.

And apparently within the enterprise offering of Terraform cloud.

Unfortunately, because it's a integrating with sentinel they have some support.

Now for landing zones.

I haven't dug deep into this.

But if this is the stage that you're at.

It's kind of interesting.

Maybe to be aware of some of these things going on because they could have long, reaching impacts on provisioning or AWS accounts.

But what's exciting about this is that there's a general movement towards vending machines for US accounts and some of the interesting core concepts that it brings up here is that you have your core.

Sit of accounts, these are the ones that you initially set up.

But then throughout the course of your organization's life, you're going to be adding additional accounts, perhaps for developer sandboxes for individual apps that have different compliance requirements and making that more turnkey is the idea here.

So Yeah, they talk about your core accounts and baselining the settings for those.

And then also your baseline security period has anybody gone deeper on this than me has some interesting insights or things that they got out of it.

I just think it's a little bit funny that they should choose the vending machine matter for a number for a number of reasons, but one thing that comes to mind is Steve Gibson on his security.

Now podcast vaguely familiar with that definitely heard of it.

I haven't been telling him Oh, it's in his 13th year.

It's an institution in the DevOps community.

I mean, like old school older school shall we say anyway, he's got us a couple of episodes where he talks about the problem of securing the vending machine.

It's sort of a it's one of those holy grails of the perfect.

OK Figuring out how to have something out there can dispense assets in a secure way.

But yeah, I can I guess I can see that I also like challenge that because like through automation and repetition that's how I think you achieve greater levels of security and predictability.

So therefore, with this vending machine and model that if you can get it right.

You can at least stamp that out.

But if you make a mistake in that template.

Yeah Then you've rubber stamp that out to a dozen accounts and you have that problem.

Somebody saying super is the top bezel oh no that's unrelated to before sir the sidebar conversation here is on the laptop with the camera in the lower corner of the screen.

You know that that would be the most exciting part of what I talked about.

I have a hard stop to it for you, Eric.

So I'm OK.

No worries if you got a drop off.

I totally understand and thank you for stopping by my.

Yeah, no worries.

All right.

So other exciting newsgroups that was jumping ahead of ourselves here.

Yeah, the exciting news is the cast managed no pools as we all know and been frustrated with Amazon's case was crippled from the start by only managing the masters.

Now that's no longer the case in life with GKE.

You can spin up manfully manage load pools.

Now It remains to be seen how our life has turned out to be in the beginning.

And what kinds of issues people will have.

But at least we finally have representation of us.

Yeah, I just noticed that you've been I've been reading about this picture.

So yesterday I read about it.

But I think it is kind of like Cuba and or just Kailash.

Great name instances.

But right now.

I think it doesn't support the poppy stuff yet basically.

Yeah, that's what I think though on my setup like you know I always use the spot.

Businesses to do a some no love love money stuff like, no, it's not important.

So I can't go away.

But here, I think it doesn't support.

It's the spot instances yes because there's no option in the CLI or no option Terraform I've checked the telephone message by the way, I'm very surprised that actually Terraform acted very quickly on at the same time.

Maybe it like no threat was later for the first time that they just released that feature that they did release moms like, no, not even more than 24 hours ago.

Yeah Yeah.

That's really cool.

I think that there's more and more collaboration first of all between AWS and how she caught it.

So I would expect more of that happening.

Aaron sorry I'm having a desktop issue here.

I'm trying to get any anybody have any questions related to Terraform Kubernetes helm general DevOps automation release engine logging SRT Prometheus Grafana you name it.

One input from me is that I think the control towers.

There's still no option to activate or provision.

This is MFA I mean, you should do it manually.

But it's not only the control tower lets.

Is that true.

Because I looked into that.

But yeah, you can do it, man.

And afterwards.

But not with the product or not with the service they provide.

But now it still needs to do some kind of stuff.

Maybe even with their own MFA stuff.

But right.

Or for example, third party integration.

Like OK, whatever.

You cannot do that.

I think.

Yeah, that sounds interesting.

Anybody know about that.

We lost Mike.

So anyway.

Yeah, thanks for bringing that up, I'm not sure about that.

But, you talked about using a spot instances.

And like that you don't like that, not a pool don't camp or not group.

Yeah, for the kids not groups.

Yes, I think it's hot stuff.

But it's still a chick sport teams don't call service.

What Yeah.

But I wonder if I.

That's a good question.

I wonder if spot has already responded with something about.

But I think I'm thinking the fundamental underlying technology doesn't support it yet.

Eager I'm not sure, because this literally was announced like a day or so ago.

Yeah but what is this.

I always go to Terraform resources you know.

I just came around that e and I couldn't able to find a note the directive saying your spot instances yes or whatever.

So there's nothing I you only give the Sti size no minimum and maximum.

That's it.

Can you tell me what.

So what is the difference between note groups of excess and let's say, of scale.

Group with lounge chair set at.

So this is like GK Now or Azure or Kubernetes.

You don't have to regress as an old serf community that's right.

That's their main difference.

So I think maybe ego.

I wonder if what you're asking is or I should say maybe what would answer your question is when it s manages a group.

It updates like the symbolic links to security groups and all of these other metadata things that go beyond just the auto skill group identity that what you're asking probably right.

I still don't get or doing so.

There is no group an auto skill group is like a it's like a list of machine types with some parameters around you know their properties.

But it's not.

It does not include these the access control lists and the security group memberships for a particular cluster.

Yeah, exactly.

You have to provision all the security groups.

You've got a provision the auto scale group like this.

So this is our Terraform made up.

Yes case workers module, which is what we have been using to provision the node pools for cats.

And then this lets us specify a few dozen different parameters for that.

Now instead there is a first class primitive eight of yes yes.

No group that replaces our module basically.

So instead of using this module to provision your workers you can now provision this this resource instead.

And that's that maps once one to a resource managed by AWS of course.

Now we can.

It looks like there is a lot less configuration options here.

So it looks pretty basic by comparison.

If you want really fine grained controls, then it looks like you get a lot more of that when you're using the raw underlying technologies.

The building blocks like auto scale groups.

Is it true.

Eric or it is it might it be the case that all of this ultimately translates or boils down to some photo or photo three primitives in the one in bodo is just building on the APIs that Amazon provides photos like Terraform in the end.

I mean.

Oh, I see.

I see.

I thought botha was essentially OK.

Yeah Photos just a library for automation.

And then you know how she corp. uses the eight obss decade to achieve something similar.

So yeah, you can say related to that though.

So what's interesting is like back in the day, like when they first announced case there was discussion of each case farmgate.

So Fargate style Kubernetes, there's been no mention in this that there's any farm gate relationship to this.

I'm guessing it's all classic.

You see two instances under the hood Erica CenturyLink.

Can you open to share as on your screen.

Yeah, well, first of all share you share the links in office hours on suite ops.

That way everyone can see it.

Oh, sorry.

I'm sorry, wrong link.

All right.

So spot spot is.

Can support something similar.

Probably it would be good.

Like for me to make a demo eventually.

Mm-hmm about it.

It's not the same as node group.

But probably covers a part of its functionality.

So first of all, from your eye it might have integration of these Amazon cast but from Terraform point of view, it have some resources.

I'm not sure how it like interact to is from your point of view.

But if you will look here.

So it creates and spot things ocean on us, which means you can set whitelist at list of instances that can be started in as a bottom of the scale group or something like that spot the ocean in a specific subnet or you can specify I think a little bit more context is do though.

So sorry guys.

We've been doing a lot with spot in the last two weeks.

This is makes all sense to us.

I just wanted to give a quick back and though what spot in Stockholm is so many of you, I'm sure very familiar with the concept of spot instances on AWS basically pre-emptive all instances, on a marketplace where you can bid on compute.

And so long as your bid is at the market rate you get those compute resources, but they can be terminated at any time unless you reserve that for some window of time from one hour up to six hours now with spot fleets Amazon has made it easier to manage pools of spot instances.

How ever.

When you look at the fully managed service of spotting it makes the spot fleets and all that stuff look like child's play spot and does a very good job at making it clear how they're saving you money, how you can save more money giving you visibility into your Kubernetes clusters what's costing you and helping you optimize that stuff.

Now I'm not ready for a demo on spot today.

But we will have one guy in our future office our session probably led by Igor here who's been doing a lot of our work on this.

So yeah, that that's just an intro into that.

Now what Igor is talking about right here is the Terraform provider for spite angst the managed service to provision all that stuff as code.

Yeah So a general idea is that you integrate spot instruments your idea loss account and carbonates cluster and zen proteins to manage creation of nodes and adding zam into your carbonates cluster to have the lowest price.

All like best availability with the lowest lower price.

And if you spot instances when a price goes low as an on demand if spot price goes up, then the worst case, you will have on demand price.

And so that can be very useful to a case that you describe.

Some of the other cool things like spot ins will do is it knows the probability that instances will be terminated and can preemptively start cordoning nodes and draining them and moving pods to other nodes you have better availability.

And you can also, if it deploys a service inside a community.

So it knows how many core are requested and how much memories requested.

So it can actually right size your instances on the fly.

So that you're not over provisioning machine types.

Plus plus using like the concept of fleets it can deploy lots of different kinds of EC2 instances with different bids.

So the chance that you lose your entire fleet at the same time is very low.

And then there's a lot more behind the scenes.

I think that that goes into this product can do.

You need to buy it and you need to buy that separately.

Is it like wasabi or can you actually just do it through your straight regular w.s.

It's a separate SaaS you sign up for it you go to spot inside IoT and basically it's free for what is it up to 20 nodes.

I think.

And then after that, you pay and you pay and any charges you basically 20% of the savings.

So depending on how you look at it, it's basically free as a product.

My god that's brilliant.

Are they hiring pretty brilliant model.

I wish I came up with.

Yeah, I wish I was my product.

Right let's see what else we've got another about 10, 15 minutes here to answer any questions if anybody has joined and has questions related to Terraform communities.

Helm helm 3 is out.

Anybody using helm 3 by the way, I should have had that on here.

How is that going you're muted by the way, I think it works.

It works great for me.

I was using him to learn before.

So local to her.

So it didn't change much.

Yeah Did you migrate existing workloads down 3.

Not really.

I just tested some stuff in it.

So I just tested on a new test server it just works.

OK this stuff works.

I read it.

Did you see the update.

Update for her I'll notify her.

Yeah OK.

Yeah OK.

Sighs I was just Pippi out here a little bit.

Hey, guys.

Peer here is working on an open source product is really cool.

It's called Hell no to fire.

If you're using Kubernetes and Hellman haven't checked this out.

It's a great way to know what is happening.

So if you look at any chart, you can compare multiple versions of that chart and compare that you have to take.

Yeah Now, you can prepare.

OK So I say the UI has changed a little bit since I looked at it last but here's what's pretty cool.

So if you're currently running, say link or Grafana version 3 to the left.

Then and you want to upgrade to Griffin version 4.0 what's going to change.

Like it's totally opaque today.

Well, not with how notify or with how notified you can see all the changes in this case quite a lot, because I jumped major versions here to exaggerate like the changes.

But here's everything that would happen if you went through that change.

So let's think about the ecosystem system.

I love it.

I think it's amazing.

Yeah, it works.

It gets a search function back.

I search the front end to view jazz.

So it's no.

If you add somehow as a compare function was skipping you to find out, which is kind of weird.

So I will just find out my go to test tool kit test case.

So we'll have to check where that is.

I just want it.

I have a question.

I guess.

So let's see how it was.

A diplomatic way of saying this.

Let's you say that I there are a lot of things that our product team.

I think overlooks and neglects.

And so I'm kind of running a little bit of a shadow development organization within the company.

One of the things that one of the things that we have a health chart to install our collector and I wanted to basically clean it up a little bit and kind of make like an exemplary help chart you know kind of like how like until Ben and Tim Blanco's Terraform stuff is always like pristine and fabulous.

I want to do.

I want to be like him kind of like, yeah, there's room for there's room for more more excellence always.

I see what you guys doing.

Where does one go to learn how to like build beautiful home charts.

I think it's hard to say anything in the chart realm of helm is beautiful.

No, I. Yeah, I would like to do a shameless plug for our monocytes sharp mono chart, but I would say that the only thing.

Beautiful about mono chart is it has proven wonderful for us in our consulting and to use.

So we don't write as many charts, but if you look behind the scenes of mono chart mono chart is a master class in how to use helm.

But it's ugly as sin because it's hell.

So let's look.

Yeah, I can just show you guys quickly what I'm talking about there.

Yeah Yeah.

Did you go to cloud posse charts under a beta we had this thing called mono chart and the reason mono chart exists is we just discovered that there's very seldom justification for developing a new chart for most apps so long as they follow a pretty standard interface right.

Whereas oh so instead, we think about charts as interfaces and the chart is like the interface is like one interface to rule them all if you go in.

So here's an example of how it can be used in our values file here.

So for example define a Docker config with these settings.

This is going to be the image for our chart.

Here's a config map it supports all the best practices of supporting annotations.

It also supports mounting your config maps to the file system.

It also supports defining environments and files.

So it supports the three most common ways that config maps are used then help.

And it repeats that for secrets and are added for inline environments.

And then we support the common primitives of deployments and daemon sets et cetera.

So it's kind of like a dumbed down the description of a Kubernetes resource the way that they're most frequently used within help.

But now if you dig down into templates and then you look at how this looks behind the scenes to template size of this stuff.

Yeah, it gets pretty gnarly and you know this is ugly.

Like I said ugly as sin to templatize all of that stuff.

But it is wonderful because I think in a way.

Part of the problem is Helm it.

There are little decisions that people that humans need to make that they're not generally well prepared to do.

And so if you could automate those decisions.

Exactly right.

You know.

So this is what I I totally advocate that companies do.

So if your company is developing microservices and you have like you know, 15 different microservices and you're advocating developing 15 different charts for those services.

It really begs the question, is that necessary.

Because detecting the differences between all those charts is very difficult.

So we use motto chart all over the place to deploy services in our own things.

So Cloud bossy.

Files I'm sorry.

Go on.

If I send you a link.

Well, it was an example.

Oh cool cool.

You sent a letter home.

Ice so Yeah.

Igor in the office hours channel presented a link on how you can use monarch chart to deploy services on Kubernetes.

But here just a quick Google map.

Google Google's now been synonymous with searching.

I'm not even on Google here.

I'm on GitHub.

Just a quick search on GitHub of people shows you all the different places that we've used monarch chart in place of developing an original chart for you.

Basically just passing by is down and the moonshot has halted configuration.

OK, that's cool.

Yeah, exactly.

And in the extreme case if you guys haven't heard about it.

There's this thing called the Ra chart in the right chart for a group of 4 helm is the ultimate escape hatch.

It just lets you embed full on cougar 80s resources does values.

So now you can use the helm as a package manager.

But all these other raw resources that you want to deploy.

This is like when maybe a vendor gives you some raw resources.

But you use helm and you want to see that.

So the raw chart is is that.

So mondo chart is somewhere like the raw chart.

It's just that it's a whole lot more opinionated.

What I can say about how to do charts in general is when I teach art.

I talk about it.

It's all the time, just like uses linear templating as possible.

It gets super confusing if you have to maintain it.

I mean mono shots are a nice idea.

But in general.

I mean, we rarely really use a lot of templating so we just like do really, really basic stuff going forward.

If you're doing something little drips.

You're doing something else.

This module.

Well, yeah.

Maybe a long lines of raw almost or you could use wrong.

That's a you could use raw as your what do you call it as your chart dependency.

And then pass your values to right.

Yeah Yeah, maybe.

I mean, I'm one of those tribunal has eight lines.

So it's super, super basic.

What we try to achieve have you tried just that based on that, I have a case on it.

OK So today sort walks her legs and you take her bar.

And as a one things that Sarah come into stop doing is template and you smile and say, I just described set how the scene is at the helm doing is not really cool to play the piano and they suggest to use on net as a special language for templating.

Jason and I guess so.

That's not a surprise that gamble is a super setup.

Jason So that serial is the same.

And as I get home three stops supporting different template languages and probably it would be initially, there supporting Lua and there was discussion back and forth.

If they should support Jason it like I'm on the fence like Jason it is like a leaf in bounds nicer to look at them say CloudFormation but I still don't like that as a developer.

Maybe I'm going to take me a while to warm up to it.

So I do kind of like the Lua the resolution to use Lua over Jason at Indian but I mostly Wah in said chase and that really requires to write.

So I'm not sure that mother chart written on Jason it would be looks better than on yellow.

Yeah or.

Yeah Yeah.

I don't know.

I don't know.

I think where it where the power might come in is in the ability to create basically libraries to generate common kinds of key functionality behind the scenes.

OK has anybody tried the Lewis stuff with home three.

I mean, is it looking at here now here.

So I say to yourself say that one more time.

I mean dirty is tough sell off on Wall st.

It's all said I couldn't stand it.

That's fine.

No All right.

So yeah, this is old.

I'm not going to bother sharing.

Now All right.

Well, then that pretty much brings us to the end of today.

Thanks, everyone for coming out and sharing sharing your experiences.

Mike Rowe for sharing your experiences with control tower.

We will have for next week.

I think ego is going to join us at you are we saying something.

No, no, no, no.

So your next week.

I think is going to be talking about the ThoughtWorks technology radar.

I actually think we're going to be picking off a few more things off that ThoughtWorks technology radar.

It's really cool.

They do a pretty good summary of the technologies out there and what you should keep an eye on.

So anyways thanks everyone.

Talk to you next week. same place same time.

Bye Bye bye.

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Erik Osterman is a technical evangelist and insanely passionate DevOps guru with over a decade of hands-on experience architecting systems for AWS. After leading major cloud initiatives at CBS Interactive as the Director of Cloud Architecture, he founded Cloud Posse, a DevOps Accelerator that helps high-growth Startups and Fortune 500 Companies own their infrastructure in record time by building it together with customers and showing them the ropes.